
Registration is conducted through the Society of Actuaries (SOA). It will open in March at the following web link: Link to ARC registration

Online registration is now closed. On-site registration will be opened on Sunday 7/13, 5-8pm, and Monday-Tuesday 7/14-15, 7:30am - noon at Corwin lobby, UCSB campus.

The registration fees are as follows:

Academic Registration: $175.00
Late Academic Registration after June 7: $225.00

General Registration: $250.00
Late General Registration after June 7: $300

Student Registration: $125.00
Late Student Registration after June 7: $150

Single Day Registration: $100.00
Late Single Day Registration after June 7: $125
(Includes evening activities for that day)

Guest Registration: $100
Late Guest Registration after June 7: $125
(Includes evening activities Sunday-Tuesday)

Final date to register online with SOA: June 30th

Deadline for Cancellation with 50% Refund of Registration Fee: June 30th